Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Roman Empire and its neighbors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Roman Empire and its neighbors - Essay Example Furthermore, special attention will be paid to an analysis of the Germanic tribes and their impact on the Roman Empire (Heather 2006, 33-44). What explains the early development of the Roman Empire? The rise of this empire was precluded on the fact that life under Augustus was the ideal form of rule and that rule by one man was actually an ideal form of democracy. According to Chester G. Starr, Jr, Quite widely the subjects felt that they did not have political liberty, and some drew the conclusion that they lived in slavery. Such persons, however, were hasty to add that the slavery of the Roman Empire was preferable to any democracy or put other qualifications on their general line of thought (Starr 1952, 2). From this perspective then, the authoritarian nature of rule under Augustus was conceived of at the time as normal and even ideal. The notion of liberty extended beyond the individual and to the state and since everyone was responsible to obey the laws of the land, true democracy in fact existed. By wrestling control of the state from the landed aristocratic elite and attempting to impact a meritocratic form of rule – albeit with Emperor Augustus at the helm – the facade of democracy was employed as a tool and helps account for the rise of the Roman Empire. As Starr persuasively notes, â€Å"the Empire began when Augustus took the power in his own hands, and the emperor was an autocrat† (Starr 1952, 9). Despite the fact that Augustus was an autocrat, he was perceived by the peasantry as well as the landed elite as someone who could restore the concept of liberty to Rome. The consolidation of the Roman Empire was thus built upon a belief that liberty was restored and that autocratic rule by Augustus was democracy at its best. Accordingly, the regime still felt it necessary to pay lip service to old shibboleths like libertas and demokratia even

Monday, October 28, 2019

Health care Transparency Essay Example for Free

Health care Transparency Essay Health care Transparency is openness about the quality of healthcare provided, sharing information whether it be good or bad for the purpose of improvement. In the past, health care transparency was secretive, people did not want to share patent information for reason of privacy to their clients as well to avoid law suits. However there is a way in which you can share information without violating doctor patient privilege. The future of health care transparency looks as though it is going to improve, I say improve because I agree with Dr. Patrick Crawley that the movement will allow sharing of information therefore allowing improvements to be made leading to less law suits. Really kind of taking on a best practices type of mentality as well sometimes we need others to step in and help work through issues that may arise. Overall I think that hospitals becoming transparent will force improvement, at first I am sure there will be a struggle just as in any new process however once the kinks are worked out improvement will shine through. Health care transparency will help patients make more informed decisions when deciding where to go when care is needed, this may cause longer wait times at first however raising the standards and outing the facilities that are not providing good treatment cause only force them to do whatever it takes to increase standards and service provided. We as consumers need to become more informed decisions makers however with information available to us is limited we are unable to make accurate decisions on where to receive our care. We have systems/sites in which we can choose babysitters, plumbers and other types of services we made need why would we not want to choose our health care facility with the same type of research. Some of this information is already made available by some facilities, such as checking out wait times and even being able to sign up to be seen before even arriving improving the time in which we would wait to  receive care. The more we alignment with this advancement the better the care we will see.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

All Quiet on the Western Front Essays: Catalyst for Change :: All Quiet on the Western Front Essays

All Quiet on the Western Front:   Catalyst for Change  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        All Quiet on the Western Front is a book written by Erich Maria Remarque. It was a book written to reflect the human cost of war. It shows us how war has a hidden face that most people do not see until it is too late. In the novel, he describes a group of young men who at first think war is glorious. But as the war drags on, the group discovers how war is not all it is set out to be. As the war went on, they saw their friends either die or be permanently wounded. Then the end comes when there was only one person left.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     All Quiet on the Western Front takes place in Germany where a group of young boys are first encouraged to join the military. Thinking that it would be a great adventure, they enlisted, not knowing the fate that lies before them. At first, the group is sent to training. They aren’t in a serious mood, thinking that war conditions aren’t as bad as they really are. When the boys are sent to the front, it is only then when they start to realize how war is not great. This is when the boys are cramped into the trenches. Some of the soldiers were shell-shocked because of the constant bombardment. When one of the boys was wounded, he was taken to a hospital where there were many wounded soldiers. Some soldiers had to have parts of their bodies amputated in order to survive. When Kemmerich was in the hospital, Mà ¼ller asked for his pair of boots. The boots was a visible reminder to the boys of the cost of war. Paul then has to fa ce his own conscience when he kills one of the Frenchmen. He doesn’t see the face of an enemy but just a face of another human being. He tries to comfort himself by promising to help the fallen soldier's family. After Paul is relieved from the front line, he decides to go on leave and return home. But when he tries to tell every one of the horrible conditions of the trenches, everybody either laughs him off or calls him a coward. Paul returns before his leave actually ended, wishing that he had never come home. In the end, when Paul loses Kat, Paul realizes that the war has destroyed his way of life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bangladesh – an overview

Bangladesh is a small country and is situated at the head of the Bay of Bengal. On its landward margins India almost surrounds it. The Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the country. Bangladesh is a low lying country, 3/4 of it under a.s.l. It can be divided into 2 main regions. The first is a vast alluvial plain, dominated by the delta of the Ganges. The second consists of the only areas of highland, which are in the east and southeast. The Chittagong Hills in the southeast rise to an average height of 650m and in Silhet there are similar ridges that only reach 60 – 90 m. The country has a Tropical monsoon climate and the main features of this include high temperatures, high humidity and heavy rainfall and a marked dry season. COUNTRY STATISTICS Area: 50,260 sq. miles (130,200 sq. km) Population: 120,400,000 Population Density: 836 people/sq. km Population Growth: 2.16% Capital: Dhaka Languages: Bengali, English Religions: Muslim, Hindu Total GDP: US$ 215,400,000,000 Imports: US$ 4,600,000,000 Birth Rate: 35.5/1000 people Death Rate: 11.7/1000 people Life Expectancy: 55.6 years Per Capita PPP: US$ 1,510 Exports: US$ 3,000,000,000 Aid: 26 billion dollars a year 80% below poverty line RURAL ACTIVITIES Bangladesh is 84% rural and the majority of the population lives in villages. There is no defined pattern of urban use and cultivated fields can be found inside towns. 80% of the population depends directly or indirectly upon farming and it accounts for 33%of the country's GNP. Most farms are small i.e. less than two hectares and are often fragmented. Not all farmers own their own land and many are share-croppers. For winter crops to be grown, irrigation is essential but of the total land cropped only 20% is irrigated. The main crops are: rice, pulses, winter wheat, vegetables, bananas, jute, tea and sugar cane, the last three of these being cash crops. Jute has been the leading cash crop for over 100 years. It is used for sacking, carpet backing and string. Since the 1970s jute production has suffered from competition by other countries like China and India. The majority of farmers in Bangladesh are subsistence farmers many of whom have been encouraged to grow cash crops such as jute and tea. However the cultivation of rice is the single most important activity in the economy, and nearly 80% of farmed land is occupied by rice. There are numerous fisheries in Bangladesh and fish products account for 13% of exports and 70% of animal protein in the diet. Land use in Bangladesh: 67% arable land, 2% permanent crops, 4% meadows and pastures, 16% forest and woodland, 11% other. ISSUES OF CHANGE In Bangladesh like in many other LEDCs, rural-urban migration is dominant. Many people especially from the younger generation flock to the cities such as Dhaka and Chittagong in search of work and a better quality of life than in the rural areas. They hope to find better healthcare and education, better paid jobs and improved housing. However when they arrive in the cities they usually find this not to be the case. There is often not enough housing for the new influx of people and so shanty towns, made of poor quality- makeshift housing, develop on the edges of the city. These shanty towns have no access to clean water or sanitation and as a result disease spreads easily in them. The increased population of the urban areas has a strain on the local services and this creates further problems relating to water supply and sewage. Rural-urban migration has caused the process of urbanization to increase and the capital city Dhaka has grown in size significantly. PROBLEMS FACING GOVERNMENT Bangladesh has many problems both natural and human that the government has to try and tackle but being one of the poorest countries in the world and having little capital to invest in solutions, it is not easy. Bangladesh is prone to cyclones which travel northwards up the Bay of Bengal. These cyclones can be devastating and can destroy villages and infrastructure but can also cause storm surges which can cause flooding. Flooding is the most severe problem that faces the country on an annual basis. About one third of Bangladesh is flooded each year during the monsoon. The country is so prone to flooding due to a number of reasons both physical and human. Most of the country consists of the huge floodplain and delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. 70% of the country is less than 1m above sea level and rivers, lakes and swamps cover 10% of the land area. Snowmelt from the glaciers in the Himalayas in the late spring and summer increases discharges. There are heavy monsoon rains especially over the Himalayas, the uplands in Assam and the Central Indian Plateau. Of these, the heavy monsoon rains are the main physical cause of the flooding. In some years including 1998 the rains were exceptionally heavy, (see graph) causing river levels to rise and severe floods to occur. Various other problems in Bangladesh such as deforestation and overpopulation are also responsible for the problem of flooding. The Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers have their headwaters in Nepal and Tibet where in recent years the rapidly increasing populations have caused the removal of vast areas of forest, to provide fuel, timber and grazing land. In Bangladesh the forests are in crisis. There has been a rapid depletion of forest in the last 20 years for crop land, fuel and due to illegal logging. The forests play a major role in the hydrology of the upland drainage basins absorbing water from the ground, binding the soil particles and reducing the impact of rain droplets on the ground surface. Overall the forest cover slows the journey of the water to the river channels reducing the flood risk. The removal of the forest cover has reduced interception and increased landslides, soil erosion and overland flow. The silt and soil is deposited in the river channels causing the raising of the riverbeds and reducing the capacity of the rivers. It is estimated that soil is being lost 400 times faster in deforested areas and is raising the river bed of the Brahmaputra by 5cm per year. Urbanization is also a factor that effects flooding in Bangladesh. Recent development schemes involving the construction of networks of roads and embankments have probably added obstacles to the free drainage of water from the land. The problem that the government faces is that it can not afford to provide sufficient precautions and safety systems, like cyclone shelters, to safeguard against flooding, whilst it has to pay off a huge national debt. Many countries do not see Bangladesh as a viable state and so therefore are reluctant to invest money in it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ray Bradbury’s Predictions in Fahrenheit 451 Essay

As we all know, Ray Bradbury, Author of Fahrenheit 451, made many predictions as to what this day and age would be like. He was right in many cases including speed, entertainment, and the mindlessness of people. He predicted that nobody would speak more than a couple of words at a time to a certain person. That makes the people seem mindless because they don’t talk or ask questions. Ray also predicted that people would drive by places so fast that the y don’t even know what they passed. That has not quite happened in out tome yet, but I believe it is coming. One of the final things that Bradbury talks about in his book is entertainment, slowly but surely, people are starting to stay indoors and do such activities so they don’t have to go outside. Being obsessed with entertainment, which is probably the most obvious aspect of this book, is very important in our world and Montag’s made up society. The characters rarely have friends, and if they do, they just go over each other’s houses to watch television. Bradbury makes this clear when Mildred says to Montag, â€Å"I went to Helen’s last night† (50). He replies by saying, â€Å"Couldn’t you get the shows in your own parlor† (50). She says, â€Å"Sure, but it’s nice visiting† (50). In that statement she clarifies that the only reason she goes over friend’s houses is to watch television, not to talk, eat, or go outside and have a good time. An example of someone who is not obsessed with entertainment is Clarisse, the 17 year old girl who is â€Å"different† from everyone else because she enjoyed life. She enjoyed smelling flowers, walking in the rain, and getting into deep conversations with people. Clarisse thinks that all people ever do is watch the â€Å"Parlor Walls,† go to the races, and amusement parks. Our society is turning out to be like that, we have to stop it before it’s too late. A couple of years ago, family used to go to amusement parks as a treat every once in a while, now a days we have people that go almost every other day. Speed plays a very large role in the book Fahrenheit 451. People in their society were completely obsessed with speed; they increased the size of billboards to two hundred feet long so that the advertisement would last as the people rushed by it. Clarisse says, â€Å"My uncle drove slowly on a highway once; He drove forty miles an hour and they jailed him for two days† (9).  Clarisse also says that if you showed a truck driver a green blur, he will tell you that it’s grass. Second, if you show a truck driver and pink blur, he will tell you that it is a rose garden. Third, if you show a truck driver a white blur, he will say that it is a house. Finally, if you show a truck driver a brown blur, he will tell you that it is a cow. Towards the end of the book, Clarisse was suspected to have been hit by a speeding car and killed. That proves that people don’t slow down for anything and speed is a major part in Montag’s world. In our society, people are starting to get more and more speeding tickets. The police are really cracking down on people going over the speed limit. People are constantly on the move, going fast to get more done. People are now making microwavable dinners, eating on the run, and many are resorting to eating fast food. They know that it is not good for you but they eat it anyway because it is fast, and it keeps them going at the pace, they want to keep their lives going at. Cars these days are getting faster and faster, you pay a little bit more and get a BMW or a Porsche, just to keep up the speed that all of us think we have to stay at. People in both Montag’s society and our society today are very mindless. In Montag’s society, all people do is watching the â€Å"parlor walls.† You are considered odd or weird if you enjoy talking, asking questions, or enjoying things in nature. Clarisse if one of those people that Montag’s society considers to be odd. She loves to ask questions and get into deep conversations with people; in fact her whole family is like that. Even when Montag first meets her, he is very amazed by how â€Å"weird† she is. Guy looks at Clarisse and laughs when she tells him that fireman actually used to stop fires that started by accident. She asks him if he ever reads any of the books that he is told to burn. He turns to her and yells, â€Å"That’s against the law! (8)† That is the point at which Guy really starts to wonder about books and why they are burning them. Mildred is one of the people in the made up world that is very mindless. She  always watches her parlor walls and has friends over to just watch with her, they never talk or anything which proves to me that she is very mindless. In our world, technology is getting to the point where we don’t have to leave our houses very much. That is scary because I am afraid that we are going to turn out just like Bradbury predicted. This story is coming true and there is very few things that we can do about it. Speed, entertainment, and mindlessness of people are starting to come true in our world today. It is surprising that Bradbury could make so many predictions so many years ago and have them be so accurate. Overall Ray Bradbury is a very good author that catches the attention of his readers by telling them what things will be like in the future. I certainly hope that all of these negative things that Bradbury predicted will not become any truer as time progresses.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tthe Tang Dynasty essays

Tthe Tang Dynasty essays The Tang Dynasty is one of the most well known Chinese dynasties. It was one of the most prosperous dynasties and is frequently referred to as the golden age. The Tang dynasty, founded by Li Yun and his son Li Shih-min along with the help of Turkish allies, ruled from 618 to 907. The strength of the early Tang was built directly on the organization of communications and administration established by the Sui. The boundaries of this great empire expanded as the Tang armies defeated the Koreans in the north, the Vietnamese in the south, and the Tibetans and Turks in the west. By the middle of the 7th century, the Tang ruled large portions of Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet and Turkistan. There were many great achievements during this dynasty that helped the Tang to be so prosperous. The Empress Wu Zhoa restored the Han method of standardized government throughout China. They rebuilt the central bureaucracy and enlarged the civil service system in order to recruit more educated men in Confucian philosophy. The Tang emperors distributed land plots to peasants, which in-turn would weaken the power of large landowners. This also increased government revenues, since the peasants were now required to pay taxes. A system of canals increased internal trade and transportation. In the Tang dynasty, family members were expected to help around the house. Only boys could get an education, but girls were to learn at home. The two main social classes were the gentry and the peasantry. The Gentry consisted of the scholars( scholarship was valued more than physical labor). Peasantry consisted most of the Chinese population. They worked on the land and lived on what they produced. Woman in the Tang held high status. They were to run the household and take care of any family affairs. The Tang era was a time when Chinese sculpture flourished and paintings were considered masterful. From the literary perspective, poetry a ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Monologues From Molières Famous Theatrical Comedy

Monologues From Molià ¨re's Famous Theatrical Comedy Tartuffe translates to The Imposter or The Hypocrite. The play was performed for the first time in 1664 and features popular characters like Tartuffe, Elmire, Orgon, and Dorine. Tartuffe is written in twelve-syllable lines called alexandrines. The plot focuses on Orgons family dealing with the pious fraud Tartuffe as he pretends to talk with religious power, fool the family with random antics, and even seduce women in the household. The Characters in Tartuffe While Orgon is the head of the house and husband of Elmire, he is unfortunately blindsided with desire for Tartuffe, who is but a houseguest of Orgon and a hypocritical fraud. Tartuffe meddles with seduction and romantic agendas with members in the home. Orgons wife, Elmire, is one of Tartuffe’s prospects, and she is also the stepmother to Damis and Mariane. Luckily, Dorine is the family housemaid who tries to get to the bottom of Tartuffes fake personality to help the other characters. A Focus on the Housemaid, Dorine Dorine is the sassy, sensible, witty, and wise servant in the household that is the focus of Moliere’s Tartuffe. Her servant status makes her an inferior, but she courageously expresses her opinions to her superiors, who are actually her intellectual inferiors. For young females in search of a classical monologue, Tartuffe’s cheeky and clever Dorine has quite a few worth examining. The beginning and ending lines of eight monologues involving Dorine are listed below, along with a brief explanation of the content of each speech.  These monologues come from  Moliere’s Tartuffe, translated into English verse by Richard Wilbur, an extraordinarily understandable translation of the French comedy. Act I, Scene 1: First Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"If there is talk against us, I know the source / It’s Daphne and her little husband, of course.† Dorine expresses disdain for how people who behave badly seem to be the first to smear the reputations of others. She speculates that their delight in spreading the word of the transgressions of others springs from their belief that their own guilty deeds are less obvious when those of others are emphasized. The scene has 14 lines. The scene ends with: â€Å"Or that their own black guilt will come to seem / Part of a general shady colour-scheme. Act I, Scene 1: Second Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"Oh yes, she’s strict, devout, and has no taint / Of worldliness; in short, she seems a saint.† Dorine dismisses the criticisms of her lifestyle by a woman who is no longer young and beautiful. She attributes this woman’s prudish perspective to jealousy of looks and actions that she is no longer privy to. The scene has 20 lines. The scene ends with: â€Å"And cannot bear to see another know / That pleasures time has forced them to forgo.† Act I, Scene 2: First Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"Yes, but her son is even worse deceived / His folly must be seen to be believed.† Dorine expounds on ruse after ruse that Tartuffe has used to fool the master of the house Orgon. The scene has 32 lines and ends with: â€Å"He said it was a sin to juxtapose / Unholy vanities and holy prose.† Act II, Scene 2: Second Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"Yes, so he tells us; and Sir, it seems to me / Such pride goes very ill with piety.† Dorine tries to convince Orgon that he should not impose marriage to Tartuffe upon his daughter. The scene has 23 lines and ends with: â€Å"Think, Sir, before you play so risky a role.† Act II, Scene 3: First Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"No, I ask nothing of you. Clearly, you want / To be Madame Tartuffe, and I feel bound / Not to oppose a wish so very sound.† Dorine sarcastically endorses Tartuffe as a brilliant catch of a bridegroom for Marianne. The scene has 13 lines and ends with: â€Å"His ears are red, he has a pink complexion / And all in all, he’ll suit you to perfection.† Act II, Scene 3: Second Monologue The scene begins with: â€Å"Ah no, a dutiful daughter must obey / Her father, even if he weds her to an ape.† Dorine tortures Marianne with a predictive description of her life as Tartuffe’s wife. The scene has 13 lines and ends with: â€Å"To the drone of bagpipes- two of them, in fact, / And see a puppet show or an animal act.† Act II, Scene 4 The scene begins with: â€Å"We’ll use all manner of means, and all at once. / Your father’s addled; he’s acting like a dunce.† Dorine explains to Mariane and her betrothed ways to delay and ultimately avoid marriage to Tartuffe. The scene has 20 lines and ends with: â€Å"Meanwhile we’ll stir her brother into action / And get Elmire, as well, to join our faction.† Act III, Scene 1 The scene begins with: â€Å"Do calm down and be practical. I had rather / My mistress dealt with him- and with your father.† Dorine convinces Mariane’s brother Damis to abort his plan for exposing Tartuffe and follow hers. The scene has 14 lines and ends with: â€Å"Says that he’s almost finished with his prayers. / Go, now. I’ll catch him when he comes downstairs.† Resources A video of the complete stage play using the Richard Wilbur translation  is available.Read more about Jean Baptiste Poquelin who took the stage name Moliere.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Past Continuous Worksheets for ESL Students

Past Continuous Worksheets for ESL Students The past continuous and continuous forms, in general, are used with action verbs such as talk, drive, play, etc. The  continuous form  is not used with stative verbs such as be, seem, taste, etc. Some  stative verbs  can be used as  action verbs  so there are some exceptions. For example, smell - It smelled good. (stative verb) / He was smelling the roses when she walked by the window  (action verb.)​ Positive Form Subject to be (was, were) present participle (ing form of verb) objects: Jane was typing the letter when he walked into the room.Theyre were discussing the problem at 11. Past Continuous Negative Form Subject to be (was, were) not verb objects Jack wasnt watching TV. He was cooking dinner.We werent wasting time! We were working hard. Past Continuous Question Form (Question Word) to be (was, were) subject present participle (ing form of verb)? What were you doing at seven oclock?Was Jennifer paying attention during the meeting? Past Continuous Usage The past continuous is used to talk about what was happening at a  specific  moment in the past. Alex was knitting a sweater at 10:30 yesterday morning.My friends were waiting for me at nine oclock. The past continuous is also  often used together with the past simple to express what was happening when something important occurred. They were working on the project when she burst into the room.I was thinking about him when the telephone rang. Guess who it was?! Important Time Expressions These time expressions are commonly used with the past continuous to express a  past action  occurring at a specific moment in the past. At/At that Moment At and at that moment refer to a specific point of time in the past. These two expressions are often used with the past continuous. It is more common to use the past simple to speak in general, but if you want to express what was happening at a precise moment of time in the past, use the past continuous. She was having breakfast at 6.45 this morning.We were working on his request at 10 pm.Alan wasnt meeting with Tom at 9. He was meeting with Dennis. When/As When is used with the past simple to express an important event that occurred in the past. The past continuous is used to express what was happening at that moment. They were getting ready when he came home.Alice wasnt thinking when she said that.What were you doing when he asked the question? While While is used with the past continuous to express something that was happening at the same moment in time that something else was occurring. During During is used with a noun or a noun phrase to express an event during which something was happening. I was typing while he was dictating.She wasnt paying attention during the meeting.Jackson was working while she was having a good time. Past Continuous Worksheet 1 Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the past continuous tense. In the case of questions, use the indicated subject as well. What _____ (you do) when he arrived?She _____ (watch) TV at two oclock.They _____ (not sleep) at five oclock.Peter _____ (work) when I telephoned.Tim _____ (study) German while they were studying French.I _____ (not pay attention) during the presentation._____ (Brian talk) during the lesson?We _____ (not cook) when he walked in the door.Jason _____ (play) the piano at three oclock yesterday afternoon.When _____ (Howard give) the presentation exactly?Andrea _____ (not expect) you to arrive so early!What _____ (you think) when you said that?!_____ (she do) the housework when you telephoned?Carlos _____ (drink) tea when I walked into the room.They _____ (meet) with Smith and Co at exactly 2.35 pm.My cousin _____ (not have) a good time when I arrived.They _____ (discuss) the issue when she telephoned._____ (they work) in the garden when you arrived?She _____ (sleep) so he entered the room softly.They _____ (not take) notes during the presentation, but paying attention to every word. Past Continuous Worksheet 2 Choose the correct time expression used with the past continuous tense. What were you doing (while/during) the meeting?Tim was finishing the report (in/at) five oclock.They were discussing the problem (when/at) I walked into the room.Jackson wasnt listening (while/during) he was explaining the situation.Was Alice paying attention (while/during) the presentation?They were having a quiet breakfast (this/at) morning when he arrived.What were they doing (when/in) that happened?Sheila was playing the piano (while/during) he was working on the computer.I was working at the computer (at/on) seven oclock this morning.Alex wasnt playing golf (this/at) morning. He was working.What were they doing (in/at) four oclock?She was working quietly (when/for) he opened the door.Peter wasnt doing the housework (that/yesterday) morning. He was working in the garden.Where were they sleeping (at/when) he got home last night?Jason was thinking about the problem (when/at) he asked for an answer.Our teacher was explaining math (from/when) he burst into the room with the news. Dilbert was working at the computer (on/at) four oclock this morning!Were they listening (as/at) he asked the question?She wasnt working (when/in) he came into the office.They werent thinking about that (at/when) they made the decision. Answers Worksheet 1 were you doingwas watchingwerent sleepingwas workingwas studyingwasnt paying attentionwas Brian talkingwerent cookingwas playingwas Howard givingwasnt expectingwere you thinkingWas she doingwas drinkingwere meetingwasnt havingwere discussingWere they workingwas sleepingwerent taking Answers Worksheet 2 duringatwhenwhileduringthiswhenwhileatthisatwhenyesterdaywhenwhenwhenataswhenwhen

Saturday, October 19, 2019

1st student project Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

1st student project - Term Paper Example The geological reasons given to most earthquakes are the movment of tectonic plates, causing damage when two plates overlap, slide under or over or past one another. The puzzling aspect about the mid western quakes is that they do not come under the areas affect by fault lines or cracks. There is geological evidence that this area was shook by earthquakes during the period of A.D 490, A.D 900 and A.D 1450, after which there were quakes again in 1811 to 1812. The details imply a five hundred year pattern, under the theory that faults build up stress, causing these violent earthquakes as a let out. Another hypothesis that has been suggested as the reason behind the mid western quakes is the effect of ice glaciers from 20,000 years ago. Once the ice melted, lifting the load, the land began to rise but the mantle is not as flexible and takes longer to respond to the release of pressure. ( This is believed to have created unusual tension in the mid western continental Un ited States, causing the New Madrid quakes. Scientists have pinpointed a number of faults that have caused earthquakes over the midwestern region, shown in the map below. It is also believed by scientists after 9 years of observation, that the New Madrid fault line might be shutting down, as it has shown no activity in the observation span. As a consequence, the risk calculations have varied wildly, from a 10 percent chance of a disastrous earthquake in the next 50 years to a chance of just 1 percent or less. (Choi, 2009). The Lower Wabash Valley of southwestern Indiana and adjacent parts of Illinois is seismically active. (Hill, 2002). There have been reports of earthquakes in parts of southwestern Indiana, affecting different parts in the years 1968, 1987 and 2001. It has been noted that the Lower Wabash Valley is capable of causing disastrous earthquakes at any time.

International Marketing analysis and strategy of a given product Essay

International Marketing analysis and strategy of a given product - Essay Example The business will involve itself in heavy marketing in order to create a long-term market presence among the low income and middle income customers. Trudea Services was planned in 2005 to be a part-time business venture. It has been asmall business designed to meet the needs of its clients and their pet family members. The company is located in Kikuyu and plans to expand to other towns in response to increasing demand for solar energy appliances. The company understands the value of ourclients money and provides highly effective and efficient solar energy appliances. At Trudea Services, we accept nothing but the best from our suppliers and ourselves. Trudea Services was founded by Joseph Kamau and Anthony Kimunya. The two co-own the company and will oversee the day to day management of company operations. However, the company will hire additional members of staff when it expands its operations. The company plans to invest more than 350,000 shillings in the purchase and supply of low cost solar energy appliances to middle income and low income households in Kikuyu. This is a long term project that is expected to last for more than five years depending on the market performance. The company seeks to make expansions into other markets by establishing branches in those areas including Wangige and Westlands. This requires adequate financing because the project is to be operated in the long run. Therefore, the company aims at maximizing on profits and using the proceeds to expand its operations. The business also plans to source for short term loans from a financial institution. This is a partnership business owned and operated by four individuals. Each of the partners has equal rights in terms of ownership and decisions making. The partners are involved in the company’s daily decision making and decisions are reached subjected to the majority support of the partners. The company is concentrated in a single geographical

Friday, October 18, 2019

Islam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Islam - Assignment Example Other masters have also taken on social inequality, whereas sometimes putting their own lives on the line in their attempts to change political and social conditions for spiritual revival and improved living conditions. Sufism’s missionary activities have led to an increased number of their faithful. It is impossible to overstate the importance the spiritual education, as well as inculcation of such virtues as veneration of the prophet, faith in the love of God, piety, and trust in God. Sufism’s dhikr formulas are still preservative of their quieting and consoling power that it has on the illiterate. Persian literature and literature that influenced Persian literature is permeated by mysticism. This literature has aided millions by being a source of happiness. However, several modernists have argued against this literature because of its narcotic-like influence on the thoughts of Muslims. However, modern life and the effects of industrialization have caused a constant d ecline in Sufism’s influence in many states. People who attempt to show that mysticism and modern science conform have preserved the order’s spiritual heritage. This is because mysticism is central to the beliefs of the order. 2. Explain in detail the five pillars of Islam The five pillars of Islam are the most important Islamic pillars. These are five obligations that all Muslims are required to satisfy so as to live a responsible and good Islamic life. The first pillar is â€Å"Shahadah†, which is a basic statement that states that there is no God, but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. This statement is the basic one in Islam with those who cannot recite the statement wholeheartedly considered as non-Muslims. Muslims who recite this statement proclaim that they will obey all Islamic commitments in their life; Allah is the only God, and Muhammad is his prophet; and that they accept the statement to be true. The second pillar of Islam is â€Å"Salat†, which are the obligatory prayers said by Muslims five times a day. Allah ordered that Muslims pray every day at five set times. These are; Salat al-fair, which is at dawn, Salat al-zhur, which is at midday, Salat al-‘asr, which is just before the sun sets, Salat-al-maghrib, which is said just following sunset, and Salat al-‘isha, which is said between midnight and sunset. Every Muslim tries to abide by the set times with even children encouraged to pray. The third pillar of Islam, Zakat, refers to the compulsory giving to charity of a particular proportion of a person’s wealth. Muslims as a form of self-purification and worship regard Zakat. It is not referent to charitable gifts from Muslims given out of generosity or even kindness; however, it refers to systematic offering of 2.5% of a Muslim person’s wealth every year for the benefit of poor people. Sawm is the fourth pillar of Islam with a requirement for all Muslims to fast on Ramadan. During the entir e period of Ramadan, every adult Muslim is required to give up various things, including sexual activity, smoking of any kind, as well as food and drink. The fifth and final pillar of Islam is Hajj. Once every year, there is a gathering in Mecca of diverse groups of Muslims praising Allah together in front of the Kaaba. It is meant for the promotion of sisterhood and brotherhood among Muslims to show that they are all equal

Qatar and Bahrain Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Qatar and Bahrain - Research Paper Example The British had defined the national borders, but they did not demarcate most of these boundaries properly, which left prospects for conflict, particularly in regions that had the most expensive deposits of oil. In the Gulf, British- controlled forces saw to it that there was peace and order, and British officers settled local disputes. Nevertheless, this was not until the year 1971 when these influences as well as officials withdrew, resulting in the inception of suppressed ethnic hostilities as well as old territorial claims. The impetuous significance of boundaries in defining oil deposits’ ownership as well as the notion of the modern state that the European supremacy pioneered into the Gulf States stirred up heightened territorial disagreements (Library of Congress Country Studies, 1993). Introduction Boundary problems comprise one of a succession of dilemmas in the region of the Arabian Gulf. Moreover, they mirror tensions in the region. Amongst these problems, the confl icts between Qatari and Bahraini were the most serious. The source of this clash dates back to the nineteenth century when Great Britain fully controlled the Arabian Peninsula’s eastern region. This dispute affected the relationship between Qatar and Bahrain as well as threatened Gulf Cooperation Council’s existence (Karam, 2007). ... It has severally made them want to fight, and it has been an enduring problem not only for both emirates’ British protectorate but also for Saudi Arabia and Gulf Cooperation Council, endeavoring to maintain peace in the region (, 2001). Although both parties concur with the fact that in the 18th century (prior to ousting the Iranians from Bahrain), the Arab clan of the Al Khalifa had inhabited Al Zubarah and that they inhabited Bahrain some years afterward, they differ regarding the prevailing subsequent legal circumstances. The Al Thani, Qatar’s ruling family, disputed strongly the claim by Al Khalifa to the ancient area of settlement presently in the hands of the Qatari over and above laying claim to the Hawar (inhabited by Bahraini) and neighboring islands, very close to Qatar mainland but over 20Kms from Bahrain (U.S. Department of State, 2012). According to Qatar, in the year 1937, Bahrain illegally and clandestinely occupied the Islands of Hawar. On the other hand, Bahrain insists that its leader was only carrying out legitimate works of exercising control in his own region. Qatar’s Ruler presented the British Government with protests through a letter dated May  10, 1938. He was protesting against what he referred to as Bahrain’s irregular action against Qatar and earlier in February  1938, he had already referred to this issue in Doha where he had a talk with the Political Agent to Britain in Bahrain. The British Political Agent later wrote Qatar’s Ruler on 20  May the same year, asking him to express his case on Hawar as soon as possible. The latter wrote back on 27  May  1938 and on 3  January  1939, Bahrain presented a counter-claim. Qatar’s Ruler then presented the British Political Agent with his

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Causes of Misunderstanding between Men and Women Research Paper

Causes of Misunderstanding between Men and Women - Research Paper Example The author applies these differences specifically in the way the sexes manage a business organization. While women "tend to soften their demands and statements," men opt to give direct orders. Generally, women are also apt in asking more questions than man. The article stressed that culture is pivotal in this distinctions. Women are raised to be more nurturing and maintain harmonious relationships while men aren't. The author, however, emphasizes that generalization about the characteristics of men and women based on the way they communicate are invalid. On the other hand, Turner explored how the way men and women think affects the way they communicate. Turner stated that a lot of factors influence the words that people say. However, people's words often reveal their thoughts. Thus, disparities between the communication techniques of the two sexes can be best explained by their thoughts. It is asserted that men tend to think more of reasons and engaged in more logical discussions. Women, on the other hand, think more of their emotions as manifested through their conversations. As men tend to engage in rational discussions, a common stereotype attached to them is "rationality." On the other hand, women are always regarded to become more emotionally attached and are often branded as "intuitive" since they don't really assert their opinions.

Research proposal Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research proposal - Dissertation Example The errors encountered while trying to understand a second language are dependent on the method (s) of acquisition. Learning is not as faster as being taught in class. On the best possible way to teach a second language, several errors are realized while teaching a second language and thus the context should be set through the adoption of several teachings methods with more emphasis on the topic, the presenter and the setting. There is very little evidence on the errors experienced while trying to learn a second language. Statement of the Problem There is very little literature if any on errors of learning a second language and hence this proposal. However, Krashen, S. D. (1981) in his research study title principles and practice in second language learning points out that learning a new language depends on the feeling of correctness. Krashen developed several hypotheses and tried to prove them qualitatively arguing that quantitative research design may not give all that it is expect ed as directed by the research questions. To Krashen, the errors encountered while trying to understand a second language are dependent on the method (s) of acquisition. Learning is not as faster as being taught in class. Cook, V. (2000) in support of Krashen’s arguments points that learning a second language with success depends on the willingness and ability to graps the first language. To Cook, the in-ability to learn the first language means that learning a second language may be difficult. To gain a deeper understanding of the perceived errors in learning a second language, Cook employed the use of a sample from an entire population of non-English students in a linguist setting using stratified sampling for uniformity of the results. They were then required to read aloud several English words while recording their different scents. Cook was able to detect that, those that had acquired the English language by being taught has grasped it with finality while those that had learned on themselves were not that proficient. Banes (2002) in his research on the best possible way to teach a second language sums up saying that several errors are realized while teaching a second language and thus the context should be set through the adoption of several teachings methods with more emphasis on the topic, the presenter and the setting. The above citations are proof that there is very little evidence on the errors experienced while trying to learn a second language. Aims and Objectives The aims of the proposed study include; Establishing the impact of second language learning among Saudis; and Gauging perceptions of Saudis in relation to second language learning. This will be aimed at; Identifying the errors involved in learning a second language; Enabling policy makers to take a holistic approach in the learning systems; Identify key hindrances to second learning; and Proposing strategies/policies to the education sector; Sensitizing Saudis on the advantages of second language learning and the common errors made. Research Questions In the conducting the research, the researcher aims at answering the following research questions; Are Saudis aware of the advantages of learning a second

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Causes of Misunderstanding between Men and Women Research Paper

Causes of Misunderstanding between Men and Women - Research Paper Example The author applies these differences specifically in the way the sexes manage a business organization. While women "tend to soften their demands and statements," men opt to give direct orders. Generally, women are also apt in asking more questions than man. The article stressed that culture is pivotal in this distinctions. Women are raised to be more nurturing and maintain harmonious relationships while men aren't. The author, however, emphasizes that generalization about the characteristics of men and women based on the way they communicate are invalid. On the other hand, Turner explored how the way men and women think affects the way they communicate. Turner stated that a lot of factors influence the words that people say. However, people's words often reveal their thoughts. Thus, disparities between the communication techniques of the two sexes can be best explained by their thoughts. It is asserted that men tend to think more of reasons and engaged in more logical discussions. Women, on the other hand, think more of their emotions as manifested through their conversations. As men tend to engage in rational discussions, a common stereotype attached to them is "rationality." On the other hand, women are always regarded to become more emotionally attached and are often branded as "intuitive" since they don't really assert their opinions.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

American Wartime Music Composers - Cohan & Berlin Term Paper

American Wartime Music Composers - Cohan & Berlin - Term Paper Example The 20th century was such a juxtaposition of styles, forms, and genres of music that it was difficult to chose two "composers" who had something in common. Perception is one of the most important tools of propaganda. For the first time aural perception was combined with the visual. Audiences became more demanding as the subjective choice of music was more diverse and more complicated . The radio was a significant factor in the mass distribution of different types of music. By World War II, composers of all genre were put in the forefront for the first time in history . Contrary to social believe, composers were highly touched by the effects of the number of deaths of the World War I and the number of deaths by the flue pandemic which closed theaters for almost 3 years. The two World Wars created different levels of propaganda and thus music was used differently. By World War II, audiences expected to be entertained by going to dance halls, jazz bands, musicals, music revues†¦. A s radio was a major form of entertainment in the majority of American households, music stations flourished. By World War II, it was common to go to cinema once a week. The United States War Office had a "Wartime Music Committee". (Sheppard 304) Audiences at home were under the influence that all was going well in both wars and soldiers were played music when they were in the mess hall; saw movies and were fed propaganda that the Americans were winning battles. Music was an important part of the war effort Each soldier was given a book of military songs. Over 9 000 songs were composed from the start of World War 1. Composers and producers were drafted or volunteered to entertain the troops. At the turn of the century, Musical theatre was a juxtaposition of a group of songs with a slight story line. George Cohan (b. 1878 d.1942) was raised in a family of vaudeville performers. (Kenrick) In the early 1900's the US was in a state of economic stability and patriotism. American Musical t heater was in its infancy. Vaudeville performances were still common. A group of diverse traveling performers would perform on stage with no continuity in the program. He is quoted as saying his family was making $1 000.00 a week in the late 1800's. (Kenrick)When he came to New York, he began writing and composing his own songs and "sketches". They were the equivalent of musicals but they were simplistic and missed the continuity of full musicals of today. They were a group of songs, perhaps in different keys without any or a few common musical themes. He is considered the father of American Musical Theatre.(Ewan 68) As a proud chauvinist, his song writing was one of the first to be used to promote national cause or "national propaganda". As soon as President Wilson declared war, his most famous song "Over There" became a national hit. (Kenrick) It showed the value of fighting the war. His war songs showed the negative side of staying out of the war. His songs did not take into acco unt the human emotional side of fighting a war. Irving Berlin (1888-1989) was one of many Jewish immigrants who came to the US as a child. He lived in abject poverty. His father was a singer (cantor) in the synagogue so his son would have had vocal religious training. This fact is not to be neglected as a young orthodox Jew he chanted his studies. (Kenrick) Once in the US, his father died within 2 years and as a child I Berlin went to work on the streets to help support his family. Little by little

Monday, October 14, 2019

Sex education Essay Example for Free

Sex education Essay 1. Sex education can help to prevent many atrocities. Abandoned babies. Abortion. Malnutrition and starvation. 2. Teenagers will become more careful of their own body. Anatomy lessons (included in sex education) will make teenagers aware of potential hazards. STDs. Prevent a possible infertility. 3. Some parents think sex education should be taught at home, in family. Teachers take a special course on how to teach their students properly. Some teenager might be scared to talk to their parents about sex. Conclusion: â€Å"The opposition we find is mostly based in misconceptions, and instead of force them to accept sex education, we should focus on refute their misbeliefs by showing them the correct information. † For many years, sex education has been one of the most controversial issues in education, but since the law was passed, the opposition has drastically decreased along the country. Even so, from time to time I hear astonishing anecdotes of parents who send their children to a private school to avoid sex education. Personally, I think that it’s perilous to let them resolve things on their own, because in the future, their children will suffer the consequences of lacking of these vital lessons. I strongly believe that -because of the astounding benefits I’ll expose below- sex education should be taught in every school. The first, and probably the most important advantage of sex education, is that it can prevent many atrocities. This can sound pretentious to someone, but allow me to explain why it is not an exaggeration. In the last years, the number of girls who die in clandestine abortion centers in growing alarmingly. Ignorance and despair are a deadly combination that can lead to tragedy. Many (if not all) of these deaths can be prevented by sex education, since all the healthy ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy are taught in class (and even some schools give condoms for free in case the student doesn’t have money). But that’s not the only example! What if it’s too late to prevent the unwanted pregnancy? When a baby is abandoned, it’s the most obvious assumption to think that it was because the mother wasn’t able to raise it, or because she simply didn’t know what to do. Well, sex education also teaches what to do and who can help in case of it. Sadly, some babies die before they are found, and this can be avoided by a mother who knows that there are specialized institutions where she can leave her baby safe. In other words, sex education forestalls death. Secondly, sex education not only forestalls death, but it also protects life. It has anatomy lessons, which leads me to the next point: Teenagers will become more careful o f their own body. You will think one thing has nothing to do with other, but as it was stated before, education gives the opportunity of decision. For example, a teenager who is fully conscious of his own body will be more careful with it than someone who is not aware of the potential hazards of sexually transmitted diseases. But that’s not all, sex education also prevents a future infertility, since the anatomy lessons remark that the unhealthy habits (like smoking, or drinking alcohol) have dreadful consequences for the body. Finally, I’ll try to vanish one of the biggest fears of some of these parents: what teachers would say to their children. Most of these adults think it should be taught at home, in family, but I’ll insist that it’s better for a student to learn at school. Why? Well, when the law was passed, teachers had to take special courses on how to teach their students properly. Some parents are sure they know everything, but they are wrong. On the other hand, their children might be fearful of asking for advice to someone of their own family, and might prefer to expose their doubts and feelings with a teacher. Taking to consideration all of the points exposed above, I trust the little opposition we find in parents can cease, since as I said before, is mostly based in misconceptions. So instead of force them to accept it, we should focus on refute their misbeliefs by showing them how sex education is taught by an  specialist that took a course on how to help to prevent atrocities, and make teenagers aware and careful of the their own body.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

stars :: essays research papers

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Saturday, October 12, 2019

danger world :: essays research papers

I cannot significantly improve on the assertion that it simply is proper for us, as intelligent members of the universe, to try to look after our fellow creatures, and evil for us to do otherwise. -- Colin Tudge, 1992 Last Animals at the Zoo Endangerment is everyone's problem. This Expedition presents an ample cross-section of the conservation challenges we are facing. However, trying to understand how the natural world operates is never an easy task. The effort to do so has been compared to watching a celestial chess game, played by the gods. We are allowed to watch games in progress, but the gods haven't given us the rule book. All we can do is try to make sense of the play by following the fate of individual pieces and working out the rules from there. For example, experience suggests that a species that was formerly widespread, but is now limited to a few individuals living in isolated pockets, is very probably in crisis. Unless something radical is done, in all likelihood this species will shortly disappear. But what, exactly, do we need to do? Tremendous efforts have been mounted to stabilize declining populations of species believed to be in imminent danger of extinction. In some cases, intervention and careful management have brought species back from the brink of extinction (see Bald Eagle, and American Bison). In other cases, despite enormous investments of time, money, and expertise, the species remain perched on a razor's edge (see California Condor). I cannot significantly improve on the assertion that it simply is proper for us, as intelligent members of the universe, to try to look after our fellow creatures, and evil for us to do otherwise. -- Colin Tudge, 1992 Last Animals at the Zoo Endangerment is everyone's problem. This Expedition presents an ample cross-section of the conservation challenges we are facing. However, trying to understand how the natural world operates is never an easy task. The effort to do so has been compared to watching a celestial chess game, played by the gods. We are allowed to watch games in progress, but the gods haven't given us the rule book. All we can do is try to make sense of the play by following the fate of individual pieces and working out the rules from there. For example, experience suggests that a species that was formerly widespread, but is now limited to a few individuals living in isolated pockets, is very probably in crisis.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Medea Greek Mythology Essay

When Medea decides to take matters in to her own hands, about punishing the people who have done wrong to her, she is accused of wanting not justice—vengeance. Because I am not a native of neither Corinth nor Colchis, I have my own view about her motives. However, I would agree with the Corinthian Women, Medea is seeking vengeance; not justice. Some people might argue that Medea is seeking justice. When in actuality, Medea wants vengeance. The opposition would say justice took place because the Gods allowed Medea the time to perform her various acts. Although these things happened Medea turned to vengeance when she took it upon herself to kill Creon and his daughter Creusa. Even the chorus, the â€Å"ideal spectators†, implies that Creon is a poor king when, after he banishes Medea, the First Corinthian Woman sympathizes, â€Å"I am of Corinth and I say that Corinth is not well ruled. †(1. 214-216). This quote gives us proof that Medea has some sort of reason to seek revenge on Creon. However she lets her hatred exceed its boundaries and allows herself to take the lives of the King of Corinth and its Princess all because they chose Jason over her. In addition, her actions all prove that she wants Jason to do more than pay for hurting her. She wants him to suffer at the fate of her own children. Her revenge was selfish. Medea involved the two things she knew would hurt Jason the most—her own children. According to the First Corinthian Woman, â€Å"It would be better for you, Medea if the earth opened her jaws and took you down into darkness. But one thing you will not do, for you cannot, you will not hurt your own children, though wrath like plague-boils aches, your mind in a fire-haze bites the purple apples of pain. No blood-lapping beast of the field, she-bear nor lioness, nor the lean wolf-bitch, hurts her own tender whelps; nor the yellow-eyed, seythe-beaked, and storm shouldered eagle that tears the lambs has ever made prey of the fruit of her own tree. †(2. 115-126). Keep in mind that the Corinthian Women are the conscious of Corinth. Through this quote the First Corinthian Women has stated that Medea could not harm her own children. She even gives examples of the most dangerous predators that don’t even harm their own young. This is evidence that Medea went beyond the state of justice; but she went well into the state of vengeance. Medea knew what she was doing and quite frankly she could care less about anything other than what she thought of what was seeking revenge on Jason. In conclusion, vengeance was sought by Medea. She went above the fact of teaching Jason a lesson; she even stated she hated Jason more than she loved her children. Answer this question is what Medea has done entertaining or morally instructive?

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Host Chapter 54: Forgotten

â€Å"Elizabeth?† I asked. â€Å"Anne? Karen? What's your name? C'mon. I know you know it.† The Healer's body was still limp on the cot. It had been a long time-how long, I wasn't sure. Hours and hours. I hadn't slept yet, though the sun was far up in the sky. Doc had climbed out onto the mountain to pull the tarps away, and the sun beamed brightly through the holes in the ceiling, hot on my skin. I'd moved the nameless woman so that her face would be out of the glare. I touched her face now lightly, patting the soft brown hair, woven through with white strands, away from her face. â€Å"Julie? Brittany? Angela? Patricia? Am I getting close? Talk to me. Please?† Everyone but Doc-snoring quietly on a cot in the darkest corner of the hospital-had gone away hours ago. Some to bury the host body we'd lost. I cringed, thinking of his bewildered question, and the sudden way his face had gone slack. Why? he'd asked me. I so much wished that the soul had waited for an answer, so I could have tried to explain it to him. He might even have understood. After all, what was more important, in the end, than love? To a soul, wasn't that the heart of everything? And love would have been my answer. Maybe, if he'd waited, he would have seen the truth of that. If he'd really understood, I was sure he would have let the human body live. The request would probably have made little sense to him, though. The body was his body, not a separate entity. His suicide was simply that to him, not a murder, too. Only one life had ended. And perhaps he was right. At least the souls had survived. The light on his tank glowed dull red beside hers; I couldn't ask for a greater evidence of commitment from my humans than this, the sparing of his life. â€Å"Mary? Margaret? Susan? Jill?† Though Doc slept and I was otherwise alone, I could feel the echo of the tension the others had left behind; it still hung in the air. The tension lingered because the woman had not woken up when the chloroform wore off. She had not moved. She was still breathing, her heart was still beating, but she had not responded to any of Doc's efforts to revive her. Was it too late? Was she lost? Was she already gone? Just as dead as the male body? Were all of them? Were there only a very few, like the Seeker's host, Lacey, and Melanie-the shouters, the resisters-who could be brought back? Was everyone else gone? Was Lacey an anomaly? Would Melanie come back the way she had†¦ or was even that in question? I'm not lost. I'm here. But Mel's mental voice was defensive. She worried, too. Yes, you are here. And you will stay here, I promised. With a sigh, I returned to my efforts. My doomed efforts? â€Å"I know you have a name,† I told the woman. â€Å"Is it Rebecca? Alexandra? Olivia? Something simpler, maybe†¦ Jane? Jean? Joan?† It was better than nothing, I thought glumly. At least I'd given them a way to help themselves if they were ever taken. I could help the resisters, if no one else. It didn't seem like enough. â€Å"You're not giving me much to work with,† I murmured. I took her hand in both of mine, chafed it softly. â€Å"It would really be nice if you would make an effort. My friends are going to be depressed enough. They could use some good news. Besides, with Kyle still gone†¦ It will be hard to evacuate everyone without having to carry you around, too. I know you want to help. This is your family here, you know. These are your kind. They're very nice. Most of them. You'll like them.† The gently lined face was vacant with unconsciousness. She was quite pretty in an inconspicuous way-her features very symmetrical on her oval face. Forty-five, maybe a little younger, maybe a little older. It was hard to tell with no animation in the face. â€Å"They need you,† I went on, pleading now. â€Å"You can help them. You know so much that I never knew. Doc tries so hard. He deserves some help. He's a good man. You've been a Healer for a while now; some of that care for the well-being of others must have rubbed off on you. You'll like Doc, I think. â€Å"Is your name Sarah? Emily? Kristin?† I stroked her soft cheek, but there was no response, so I took her limp hand in mine again. I gazed at the blue sky through the holes in the high ceiling. My mind wandered. â€Å"I wonder what they'll do if Kyle never comes back. How long will they hide? Will they have to find a new home somewhere else? There are so many of them†¦ It won't be easy. I wish I could help them, but even if I could stay, I don't have any answers. â€Å"Maybe they'll get to stay here†¦ somehow. Maybe Kyle won't mess up.† I laughed humorlessly, thinking of the odds. Kyle wasn't a careful man. However, until that situation was resolved, I was needed. Maybe, if there were Seekers looking, they would need my infallible eyes. It might take a long time, and that made me feel warmer than the sun on my skin. Made me feel grateful that Kyle was impetuous and selfish. How long until we were sure we were safe? â€Å"I wonder what it's like here when it gets cold. I can barely re-member feeling cold. And what if it rains? It has to rain here sometime, doesn't it? With all these holes in the roof, it must get really wet. Where does everyone sleep then, I wonder.† I sighed. â€Å"Maybe I'll get to find out. Probably shouldn't bet on that, though. Aren't you curious at all? If you would wake up, you could get the answers. I'm curious. Maybe I'll ask Ian about it. It's funny to imagine things changing here†¦ I guess summer can't last forever.† Her fingers fluttered for one second in my hand. It took me by surprise because my mind had wandered away from the woman on the cot, beginning to sink into the melancholy that was always conveniently near these days. I stared down at her; there was no change-the hand in mine was limp, her face still vacant. Maybe I'd imagined the movement. â€Å"Did I say something you were interested in? What was I talking about?† I thought quickly, watching her face. â€Å"Was it the rain? Or was it the idea of change? Change? You've got a lot of that ahead of you, don't you? You have to wake up first, though.† Her face was empty, her hand motionless. â€Å"So you don't care for change. Can't say that I blame you. I don't want change to come, either. Are you like me? Do you wish the summer could last?† If I hadn't been watching her face so closely, I wouldn't have seen the tiny flicker of her lids. â€Å"You like summertime, do you?† I asked hopefully. Her lips twitched. â€Å"Summer?† Her hand trembled. â€Å"Is that your name-Summer? Summer? That's a pretty name.† Her hand tightened into a fist, and her lips parted. â€Å"Come back, Summer. I know you can do it. Summer? Listen to me, Summer. Open your eyes, Summer.† Her eyes blinked rapidly. â€Å"Doc!† I called over my shoulder. â€Å"Doc, wake up!† â€Å"Huh?† â€Å"I think she's coming around!† I turned back to the woman. â€Å"Keep it up, Summer. You can do this. I know it's hard. Summer, Summer, Summer. Open your eyes.† Her face grimaced-was she in pain? â€Å"Bring the No Pain, Doc. Hurry.† The woman squeezed my hand, and her eyes opened. They didn't focus at first, just whirled around the bright cave. What a strange, unexpected sight this place must have been for her. â€Å"You're going to be all right, Summer. You're going to be fine. Can you hear me, Summer?† Her eyes wheeled back to me, the pupils constricting. She stared, absorbing my face. Then she cringed away from me, twisting on the cot to escape. A low, hoarse cry of panic broke through her lips. â€Å"No, no, no,† she cried. â€Å"No more.† â€Å"Doc!† He was there, on the other side of the cot, like before, when we were operating. â€Å"It's okay, ma'am,† he assured her. â€Å"No one is going to hurt you here.† The woman had her eyes squeezed shut, and she recoiled into the thin mattress. â€Å"I think her name is Summer.† He flashed a look at me and then made a face. â€Å"Eyes, Wanda,† he breathed. I blinked and realized that the sun was on my face. â€Å"Oh.† I let the woman pull her hand free. â€Å"Don't, please,† the woman begged. â€Å"Not again.† â€Å"Shh,† Doc murmured. â€Å"Summer? People call me Doc. No one's going to do anything to you. You're going to be fine.† I eased away from them, into the shadows. â€Å"Don't call me that!† the woman sobbed. â€Å"That's not my name! It's hers, it's hers! Don't say it again!† I'd gotten the wrong name. Mel objected to the guilt that washed through me. It's not your fault. Summer is a human name, too. â€Å"Of course not,† Doc promised. â€Å"What is your name?† â€Å"I-I-I don't know!† she wailed. â€Å"What happened? Who was I? Don't make me be someone else again.† She tossed and thrashed on the cot. â€Å"Calm down; it's going to be okay, I promise. No one's going to make you be anyone but you, and you'll remember your name. It's going to come back.† â€Å"Who are you?† she demanded. â€Å"Who's she? She's like†¦ like I was. I saw her eyes!† â€Å"I'm Doc. And I'm human, just like you. See?† He moved his face into the light and blinked at her. â€Å"We're both just ourselves. There are lots of humans here. They'll be so happy to meet you.† She cringed again. â€Å"Humans! I'm afraid of humans.† â€Å"No, you're not. The†¦ person who used to be in your body was afraid of humans. She was a soul, remember that? And then remember before that, before she was there? You were human then, and you are again.† â€Å"I can't remember my name,† she told him in a panicked voice. â€Å"I know. It'll come back.† â€Å"Are you a doctor?† â€Å"I am.† â€Å"I was†¦ she was, too. A†¦ Healer. Like a doctor. She was Summer Song. Who am I?† â€Å"We'll find out. I promise you that.† I edged toward the exit. Trudy would be a good person to help Doc, or maybe Heidi. Someone with a calming face. â€Å"She's not human!† the woman whispered urgently to Doc, her eye caught by my movement. â€Å"She's a friend; don't be afraid. She helped me bring you back.† â€Å"Where is Summer Song? She was scared. There were humans†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I ducked out the door while she was distracted. I heard Doc answer the question behind me. â€Å"She's going to a new planet. Do you remember where she was before she came here?† I could guess what her answer would be from the name. â€Å"She was†¦ a Bat? She could fly†¦ She could sing†¦ I remember†¦ but it was†¦ not here. Where am I?† I hurried down the hall to find help for Doc. I was surprised when I saw the light of the great cavern ahead-surprised because it was so quiet. Usually you could hear voices before you saw the light. It was the middle of the day. There should have been someone in the big garden room, if only crossing through. I walked out into the bright noon light, and the giant space was empty. The fresh tendrils of the cantaloupe vines were dark green, darker than the dry earth they sprang from. The earth was too dry-the irrigating barrel stood ready to fix that, the hoses laid out along the furrows. But no one manned the crude machine. It sat abandoned on the side of the field. I stood very still, trying to hear something. The huge cavern was silent, and the silence was ominous. Where was everyone? Had they evacuated without me? A pang of fear and hurt shot through me. But they wouldn't have left without Doc, of course. They would never leave Doc. I wanted to dart back through the long tunnel to make sure Doc had not disappeared, too. They wouldn't go without us, either, silly. Jared and Jamie and Ian wouldn't leave us behind. You're right. You're right. Let's†¦ check the kitchen? I jogged down the silent corridor, getting more anxious as the silence continued. Maybe it was my imagination, and the loud thumping of my pulse in my ears. Of course there must be something to hear. If I could calm down and slow my breathing, I'd be able to hear voices. But I reached the kitchen and it was empty, too. Empty of people. On the tables, half-eaten lunches had been abandoned. Peanut butter on the last of the soft bread. Apples and warm cans of soda. My stomach reminded me that I hadn't eaten at all today, but I barely noted the twist of hunger. The panic was so much stronger. What if†¦ what if we didn't evacuate soon enough? No! Mel gasped. No, we would have heard something! Someone would have†¦ or there would be†¦ They'd still be here, looking for us. They wouldn't give up until they'd checked everywhere. So that can't be it. Unless they're looking for us now. I spun back toward the door, my eyes darting through the shadows. I had to go warn Doc. We had to get out of here if we were the last two. No! They can't be gone! Jamie, Jared†¦ Their faces were so clear, as if they were etched onto the insides of my eyelids. And Ian's face, as I added my own pictures to hers. Jeb, Trudy, Lily, Heath, Geoffrey. We'll get them back, I vowed. We'll hunt them down one by one and steal them back! I won't let them take my family! If I'd had any doubts where I stood, this moment would have erased them. I'd never felt so fierce in all my lives. My teeth clenched tight, snapping together audibly. And then the noise, the babble of voices I'd been so anxiously straining to hear, echoed down the hall to us and made my breath catch. I slid silently to the wall and pressed myself into the shadow there, listening. The big garden. You can hear it in the echoes. Sounds like a large group. Yes. But yours or mine? Ours or theirs, she corrected. I crept down the hall, keeping to the darkest shadows. We could hear the voices more clearly now, and some of them were familiar. Did that mean anything? How long would it take trained Seekers to perform an insertion? And then, as I reached the very mouth of the great cave, the sounds became even clearer, and relief washed through me-because the babble of voices was just the same as it had been my very first day here. Murderously angry. They had to be human voices. Kyle must be back. Relief warred with pain as I hurried into the bright sunlight to see what was going on. Relief because my humans were safe. And pain because if Kyle was already safely back, then†¦ You're still needed, Wanda. So much more than I am. I'm sure I could find excuses forever, Mel. There will always be some reason. Then stay. With you as my prisoner? We stopped arguing as we assessed the commotion in the cavern. Kyle was back-the easiest one to spot, the tallest in the crowd, the only one facing me. He was pinned against the far wall by the mob. Though he was the cause of the angry noise, he was not the source of it. His face was conciliatory, pleading. He held his arms out to the sides, palms back, as if there was something behind him he was trying to protect. â€Å"Just calm down, okay?† His deep voice carried over the cacophony. â€Å"Back off, Jared, you're scaring her!† A flash of black hair behind his elbow-an unfamiliar face, with wide, terrified black eyes, peeked around at the crowd. Jared was closest to Kyle. I could see that the back of his neck was bright red. Jamie clung to one of his arms, holding him back. Ian was on his other side, his arms crossed in front of him, the muscles in his shoulders tight with strain. Behind them, every other human but Doc and Jeb was massed in an angry throng. They surged behind Jared and Ian, asking loud, angry questions. â€Å"What were you thinking?† â€Å"How dare you?† â€Å"Why'd you come back at all?† Jeb was in the back corner, just watching. Sharon ‘s brilliant hair caught my eye. I was surprised to see her, with Maggie, right in the center of the crowd. They'd both been so little a part of life here ever since Doc and I had healed Jamie. Never in the middle of things. It's the fight, Mel guessed. They weren't comfortable with happiness, but they're at home with fury. I thought she was probably right. How†¦ disturbing. I heard a shrill voice throwing out some of the angry questions and realized that Lacey was part of the crowd, too. â€Å"Wanda?† Kyle's voice carried across the noise again, and I looked up to see his deep blue eyes locked on me. â€Å"There you are! Could you please come and give me a little help here?†

Dying a noble Death Essay

â€Å"Dying a noble death† Introduction            Death is inevitable and everyone must be ready to face death. The author of, â€Å"If we must die† makes use of different literary devices to describe death and to encourage people to be brave and not to fear death. People should not just die like hogs or dogs although human beings are far outnumbered by death, they must remain brave to face death when it comes. Death does not have shame, it gets whoever it wants and at the time it best things is right. Death is a coward since it cannot come to people when they know or when they expect. Analysis of the Poem            The poem by Mr. Claude McKay, â€Å"If we must die†, written to urge the black people to fight for their freedom against the oppressions of the whites, portrays different literary devices used to bring out the message of the poem to the reader (Charters, and Samuel, 896). The various devices used in the poem include allegory, rhyme, metaphor which involves animal imagery, as observed in various likes through the use of different words such as â€Å"hogs,† in line 1 and other words such as â€Å"hunted, † â€Å"penned,† which are found in line 2 (Charters, and Samuel, 896). Furthermore, the author uses words such as â€Å"mad and hungry dogs,† and â€Å"bark† found in line 3 of the poem, â€Å"monsters,† in line 7 and the word â€Å"cowardly pack† in line 13 to show animal imagery for the reader (Charters, and Samuel, 896).            The use of hyperbole is observed when the author writes the words, â€Å"If we must die, let it not be like hogs† found in line 1 of the poem as well as, â€Å"and for their thousand blows deal one death-blow† in line 11 (Charters, and Samuel, 896). Furthermore, the author of the poem has used onomatopoeia which is observed through the word â€Å"bark† (Charters, and Samuel, 896). To make the reader more intrigued and part of the poem, the author poses a question that is rhetorical which is found in line 12 where he says â€Å"What though before us lies the open grave?†            The use of this question is intended to act as a reminder to the reader that death is inevitable and everyone will face death at one point in life and what do human beings face to lose when they die? The author of this poem uses most of these literary devices as a way of creating a sense of urgency so that the reader is always ready and aware of the happenings in life and about death (Charters, and Samuel, 896). The author has also written the poem using 14 lines in addition to the rhyme scheme which has been used of ababcdcdefefgg hence making it a Shakespeare sonnet (Charters, and Samuel, 896). The other literary device the author has used is repetition which is seen through words such as â€Å"If we must die† which has been repeated in the poem two times in line 1 and line 5. Conclusion            Every human being is bound to face death when their time comes. This does not mean that people should not be ready and do their best to fight against injustice and oppression which leads to the death of human beings. By using the different literary devices, the author of the poem encourages people to be brave against death and should not fear when they are faced with circumstances. References Charters, Ann, and Samuel B. Charters. Literature and Its Writers: A Compact Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. Print. pp.896, Source document

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Game Thoery-Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Game Thoery-Science - Essay Example In game theory, a situation of cooperative behavior is referred to as non-zero type game since both individuals playing end up sharing the survival interest. Where there is no cooperation leading to one player winning at another’s expense this translates to a zero-sum kind of game. The interactive tasks are going to be centered on the â€Å"Prisoner’s Dilemma†. Prisoner’s Dilemma is an expression describing a non-zero type of game where some reciprocal moves or behaviors are approximated. An assumption is made under the game of prisoner’s dilemma. One imagines that they (with a partner) are arrested with a minor crime of stealing goods and which is punished by way of a 2-year jail term. However, the police are convinced that you are the culprit and through this you should serve an 8-year term, but they are devoid of proof that either of you is the doer of the act. They subsequently do separate you for questioning. Each of the individuals involved is offered with a choice by the police, to either cooperate or defect. By cooperating one remains mum to ensure cooperation with the partner. At least you could get a 2-year jail term and the partner could be convicted with a minor crime. A defection means that one implicates the partner in the crime. Therefore, through defection the police are set to do away with the minor charges put against you and thus, could go without punishment. Judging from other players’ moves average the cooperative move had a 9.2-year prison term while defect group had a 7.2-year term in prison. Therefore, on average defect has the best outcome. Further, looking at the extent of logic the move is, if the partner decides to cooperate then one should defect because 0 years would be apt than 2 years in jail. On the other hand, if the partner decides to defect then one should do the same since a prison term of 8 years is apt in comparison to 10

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

In-Home Internet Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In-Home Internet - Coursework Example It is as a base station and distributes internet to the surrounding areas. Varied cells are assigned different frequencies from that closer to prevent signal interference and ensure reliability is in existence. Frame relay does the implementation without any error or control of flow. Here the data rates are up to 4 Mb/s and more depending on the provider. When handling frames, the latency is reduced, and precautions have to be taken to ensure that there is no build -up at switches occurring at intermediate points. Since these relays are identified uniquely by a DLCI, they ensure that there is communication from both directions of the DTE device. However, most of the connections concerning Frame Relays are based on PVCs other than SVCs. The provision from Frame Relay is permanent with bandwidth being medium thus its ability to carry data and voice traffic. It is thus suitable for Local area networks since the router only requires a single interface even with use of many VCs. Asynchronous Transfer Mode on the other hand came up due to standards for transfer of data, voice, and video at the same time (Mollenkopf, KloeÃŒ , Olbermann, Klumpp & Redecker, 2010). The speeds of operation were extremely fast than what had been previously attained without these standards. ATM has even better speed transmission capabilities than what Ethernets have achieved in local area networks. It also finds use in cell switching handling fixed-length. It involves multiplexing many packet switches that originate from varied cells that exist in different sources. The breakup of AT&T is the start of a season of smaller communications in the world. The resultant effect is a shift in the nature of competition. Local companies on phone will offer competition spanning regions and businesses. The advantage will be the high speed of connection. Opportunities are in providing products that are standardized with better improvements. It also

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Jeddah city Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jeddah city - Research Paper Example Perhaps it is the Red Sea that really defines Jeddah. Due to its location, the primary source of income for the city is the trade done on the port. Products from the sea are exported while products from foreign countries are imported through the port. Jeddah’s tourism is also made rich because of the Red Sea. There are various beaches that attract tourists from around the world. Aside from picnicking, people may also enjoy fishing from the Red Sea. The best place to go would be Jeddah Corniche although there are still other sites you can go fishing. Other water sports are also available like swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving. The best time to visit the city when you want to experience the beauty of the beaches is from October until May. The temperature during these months makes it ideal for tourists to have maximum enjoyment. When you visit the city, you will notice that there are people of different races and religions. Of course the large part of the population is Muslim but there are also other religions practiced in the city. However, only Muslims are allowed to build their place of worship and publicly profess their faith. Practice of other religions are demanded to be done in private so, just a note for those who strongly profess a religion other than Islam, precautions must be taken not to offend a people who highly value their religion. Although there are restrictions for other religions to be publicly expressed, the aim of the government is not to demand people to be converted to Islam but its desire is for our religion to be respected as others would want Muslims to respect them. This is an integral part of the Jeddah, therefore, as any other tourism place, it is requested that the religious demands should be considered with respect. This is a part of Jeddah’s culture or to make it more accurate, this is Jeddah’s culture. Jeddah is not just a

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Learning to swim at the age of 15 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learning to swim at the age of 15 - Essay Example It was on a rampage to literally swallow me and end the basis of my life. Terrified, I buried my sharp, long nails into the back of my friend’s neck attempting to hold on, but when we thumped into the wet surface, the vicious coerce tore me away and inundated me into the deep, bleak, blue water. At that instant, a stream spurted rapidly up my nose and I began to dread. In the aspiration of reaching the surface, I hastily kicked my legs like a tantrum-throwing two-year infant. Regrettably, every time my head dashed up, the water immediately hauled me back down. I then had nothing else to do but wait for all I could. Seconds later, I caught a glimpse of my friend pacing towards my course. He withdrew me from the aqueous tank and expressed regret for what had happened by then. Then, I confessed that I was fifteen years old and did not know how to swim. I had made up my mind to learn how to swim. Period. Clock struck two o’clock – it was Thursday afternoon, my swim classes at the YMCA commenced. Pacing towards the building, I swiftly halted when I saw my classmates there. It shocked me in entirety. Neither of the swim class attendees looked more than eight years old nor was their physique disproportional with their age group. I nonchalantly entered the water, whilst attempting to blend in, but within seconds, the seven elf-sized heads turned to look at me. I did not know what to do at that point in time. For all the goodness that could have happened then, the instructor arrived and started the class. We embarked by learning how to cup our hands and rotate our arms. She even described the basis of our arms pretending to be made like the bus’ wheels that go â€Å"round and round.† Afterwards, she demonstrated to us as to how to place our bodies before diving as she held her hands above her head, palms touching, and her arms touched her ears all this while. She also gave us kicking advice in order to move quicker. She told us to do small quick kicks without

Friday, October 4, 2019

Quantitative Methods for Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quantitative Methods for Finance - Essay Example So, when we express financial data as real or as current price variables, it is essentially a distinction between whether we are providing the ‘real’ or the ‘nominal’ value of the variable. The fundamental difference is that while ‘nominal’ values are not adjusted for inflation and therefore may reflect changes in values just because of fluctuations in the price level, the ‘real’ values will only change if there are changes that cause the underlying variable to change. Price level changes do not affect ‘real’ financial data. (b) The CPI Vs the RPI in the UK as alternative measures of inflation The Consumer Price Index (CPI) or Harmonised Indices of Consumer prices (HICP) as they were previously known until 2003 in the UK are computed for EU member state to facilitate international comparability of inflation. The statistical wing of the European Commission known as Eurostat has been publishing monthly HICP values for all member states since the 1st quarter of 1997. Inter-economy inflation comparisons are provided in these reports. Prior to the development of the HICP comparing rates of inflation across members of the European Union was not feasible due to differences in the mechanisms of each members in their computations of CPIs. Apart from differences in methodology, the included basket of goods was also disparate across the countries. So, for the UK, the CPI measures changes in the general price level reflected in the changing costs to purchase the same basket of goods and services typically consumed by UK households. In the UK, the RPI (retail price index) is also computed and it is also a measure of changes in the price level. The CPI and the RPI cover a similar basket of goods although there are important differences. A number of commodities included in the RPI goods are excluded from the CPI. For instance the CPI does not include council tax, fees of estate agents, repayments on mortgages, e ducation and healthcare related expenses and building insurance. Certain other aspects which are rather technically difficult to integrate into an international index due to international differences are also excluded from the CPI but included in the RPI. For instance, in aspects of the economy such as education and health, a number of commodities are substantially subsidised and the extent of subsidization is different considerably for the different members of the EU. Consequentially, including these in an internationally comparable CPI is not possible. The RPI however includes these under its wing. There are certain expenditures on the other hand that are included in the CPI but not accounted for in the RPI. For instance, air fares or personal computer expenses are accounted for in the CPI but not in the RPI. Specifically, the eurostat sets one part of the total expenses of thousand consumers as the threshold for inclusion in the CPI. Any commodity that accounts for higher expense s compared to the threshold is included in the CPI. All private households are included in the CPI but the RPI excludes the top 4 percent of the income distribution. Additionally, households that derive equal to or more than 75 percent from state benefits are also excluded from the RPI. Typically, since the CPI does not include majority of the housing related expenses included in the RPI, the RPI tends to typically have a higher value than the CPI. However, both measures

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Segregated Schools Essay Example for Free

Segregated Schools Essay â€Å"From the day she was born, the girl had seizure after seizure† quoted Gina Kolata. One new born, toddler, baby girl, was suspected that she had a genetic disorder. Doctors at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo, provided a sample of her blood which took only 50 hours and provided with an answer. The toddler had seizures after seizures that doctors frantically tried to keep her alive. Her doctors suspected a genetic disorder that they began a study of a new technique for quickly analyzing the DNA of newborns. The baby girl had a mortal gene mutation. â€Å"There was no treatment, there was not anything that could have changed the outcome†, Dr. Petrikin said which her family decided to let their baby go because her family did not want to see their baby girl in pain. She was only 5 weeks old. This all happened by not saying it was the baby girl’s fault or its mother’s. It just happened there is no explanation about why, did the baby girl have a disorder or disease. But there was not enough resources and medicine that could cure the disorder in time. My opinion on this article is that it is a well written article and gives a lot of details on what the situation is. I chose this article because I was mainly focusing on Medicine, Disease, and Health because I really like knowing about what kinds of different diseases there are and what just goes on in the human body. I don’t know if I agree with the article or disagree with the article because of how it turned out to be at the end with the baby girl. I think the article kind of turned out to be a story.

Social Classes Elizabethan Era

Social Classes Elizabethan Era Abeni Figueroa When first this order was ordaind, my lords, Knights of the garter were of noble birth, Valiant and virtuous, full of haughty courage, Such as were grown to credit by the wars; Not fearing death, nor shrinking for distress, But always resolute in most extremes. He then that is not furnishd in this sort Doth but usurp the sacred name of knight, Profaning this most honourable order, And should, if I were worthy to be judge, Be quite degraded, like a hedge-born swain That doth presume to boast of gentle blood. (Henry VI, Pt.I, 4.1). The Elizabethan Era occurred (1588-1603) marked by reign of queen Elizabeth. Some people call it the golden age of English history. It was the start of poetry, music, and literature. This era was also known for theatre including William Shakespeares plays and poems that are still read and shown today. It also was the beginning of exploration and setting up colonies under english rule to further Englands empire. The social classes were monarch, nobility, gentry, merchant, yeomanry, and laborers. The monarch was the ruler of England, during that time the ruler was queen Elizabeth 1, the sixth and last ruler of Tudor. The nobility was at the top of the social ladder and very rich and powerful. Gentry were knights, squires, gentlemen and gentlewomen. They became the most important social class in England. Merchants emerged from the ashes of the War of Roses. Yeomanry was named the middle class and were not very wealthy and only saved enough money to live comfortably. The laborers, the bo ttom of the social class in the Elizabethan Era, were very poor and only made enough to live comfortably. Social classes were very important and very strict. It was very difficult for one person to move from one class to another. There were very few opportunities to change your social status and for some it was impossible. These rules were not taken lightly and people were pushed harshly if the rules were broken. These rules were very strictly enforced and everyone had to follow. These rules were in the form of laws that maintained the social structure. For example, one law stated the color and type of clothes a person could wear This made it easy for others to know which social class they were in. These classes determined a persons status in society, but also determined what kind of job they had, what rights as a human they had, and sometimes it even determined what they could wear, even their jewelry and furniture. The Monarchy In the days of queen Elizabeth the people thought the queen or the king were Gods representative on Earth and the king or queen were thought to be greater than angels, all the animals, and all the living things on earth. Naturally they were better than any other humans. A person obtained this status usually by birth, they spent their entire life in this status. From birth on they were told how to act, what to say, and how the rest of the kingdom should treat them. They knew how all others should behave around them and punish those who did not behave properly. The highest social class was the monarchy in the Elizabethan era, also known as Queen Elizabeth 1 was the leader, she was the last leader of the era and she ruled for forty five years. The Nobility The second highest rank was Nobility. They were very rich and had hugh houses. Most owned large amounts of land that they inherited. There was distinction between old and new families. The old families were Catholic and the new families were Protestant. These people were members of the court and Parliament. A Noble could only be a Noble if he was born into it or was made a Noble by the king or Queen. They had special rights. They could not be put in jail for debt. They could not be tortured. They could not be punished for a capital crime by hanging or other abuses. If put to death they had to be beheaded. They could only be tried by other Nobles. The most rich people were usually Nobles. The Gentry The Gentry is the third highest order of society in the Elizabethan Era. They were sometimes called the Aristocrats. This order was made up of Lords, that owned a lot of land, Gentlemen freeholders who took care of the land owned by the Lords. They did not have to work hard and did not do manual labor. They supported themselves off the rent paid by their tenants. They were thought of as the true rulers of the countryside. The Gentry often held the local offices, such as sheriff and surveyor of the roads. Some were the Justice of the Peace. This gave them much power. Of interest, they held these offices without pay. The Knights came from the Gentry. Being a Knight did not mean you made more money or had more power. The Knighthood could not be inherited. Below the knights were the esquires. They too could hold offices and be in Parliament. What made them special was their right to have a Coat of Arms. Most of them designed their Coat of Arms themselves. The Merchants The fourth order of society were the merchants. Unlike the first three classes, they had a very quiet lifestyle. Most of them lived in London. Most had a goal in life to become Lord Mayor of London. This would give them a lot of power. So much power that they could take on the King or Queen. These men were shopkeepers, traders, innkeepers and citizens of London. The merchants were responsible for producing goods for others to use. The Yeomanry And you, good yeoman, Whose limbs were made in England, show us here The mettle of your pasture; let us swear That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not; For there is none of you so mean and base, That hath not noble lustre in your eyes. (Henry V, 3.1) Yeomanry was the fifth order of society. These were the people who had large amounts of property and had a Noble title if they could buy one. They did not work much since they usually had enough money to live.. Those that did work were farmers, tradesman or craftsman. It seems they were happy not to be part of the lowest part of society. The Peasantry Sir, I am a true labourer: I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no mans happiness, glad of other mens good, content with my harm, and the greatest of my pride is to see my ewes graze and my lambs suck. (As you like it, 3.2) The Peasantry is the lowest order of Society. These people worked very hard to keep what little they had. At best, they owned a very small cottage (which gave them the name of cotters) and perhaps one to two acres of land. They could help themselves if they had a skill (carpentry or weaving) that allowed them to make some money. They most often worked for other large landowners. But they did not get paid well. The tenant farmers were just a little better off than the cotters. They were able to get jobs working the land they had rented. They rented the land from the Yeomanry, Gentry or the aristocracy. There was a system in which a tenant farmer could get a lease for the land he worked. These leases could be good for many generations and support a family for a long time. Summary For the most part, living well in the Elizabethan Era seems to have been a matter of luck. If you were fortunate enough to be born into a rich family or a family with some nobility, you had it made. You didnt have to work hard and others gave you a lot of respect. There were laws to make sure you kept your status, and others laws to make sure no one moved up into your position. I like the system we have here in America. You can be born dirt poor, work hard and wind up in White House or Trump Towers or maybe even both. Works Cited Find the information for each website that you are using. 1. Authors last name and first name (If you cannot find the authors name, begin your entry with the title of the article.) 2. The Title of the Article that you are using 3. The Name of the Webpage or the Publisher (If you cannot find the publisher, write n.p.) 4. Last updated date for the page or copyright date (If you cannot find the date, write n.d.) 5. URL (address) 6. The date you accessed the information. Pickard, Liz. The Social Structure in Elizabethan England. The British Library. n.d. Accessed March 1, 2017. Social Classes in Elizabethan Era Nobility and Gentry. Elizabethan Era England Life. 2017. ml. Accessed February 23, 2017. elizabethan-era-class-system.htm